Thursday, September 27, 2007

Review of Summer....

We had a great summer, and got a little lazy with the blog...
Visiting friends, watching preseason football, crawling and playing..

Yes, that's a New York Giants game Lizzy is watching. Like many NY Giants fans, she lost interest fast when she found out Tiki was gone and Tom Coughlin was still the coach.

Lizzy actually did hold a fish that she caught but when she learned about the sharp fins they had, she was too scared to hold another one.

Face off ..

Notice Dominic. He's laughing because for once, it's not him melting down.
Dominic looking for handouts and sporting his skull cap.

The girls having a tea party.

Lizzy doing what she loves the most ...she started a ballet class and takes it very seriously. Hiding from his big sister ...
Dominic and his Cuz ... (little Jeff and little Mike)
Stair games ....
We have lots of baby toys but he prefers dirty plates and sharp knives.